When completing the search document, please provide your email address, telephone number, fax number and complete residential address. Please provide everything you know even if anecdotal information. Middle names help considerably, dates if available, last known addresses if any.
Send all you have, it helps considerably! Likewise, family connections known or heard of also help.

Registration Form

  • Your search will commence within 24 hours of receipt of payment. Email: General Enquiries: familysearch@xtra.co.nz Rob Sintes Director: familysearch@xtra.co.nz To submit your form, please press the 'Submit' button below...

Your registration deposit credit covers the cost of search request transmissions, detailed preliminary research and follow up report. Your search will commence within 24 hours of receipt of payment.

Registration Deposit Credit:
Overseas clients should remit by registered post a bank certified cheque in the nominated currency to The New Zealand Family Tracing Service.

Your search is important to us. Please note that we are only interested in genuine family searches for living family. Please ensure you meet the Tracing Creed criteria before you seek our assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Robert P Sintes
Research Director
email: familysearch@xtra.co.nz

Please ensure you provide complete contact details as listed and in particular please provide everything you know of the person or family sought ……even anecdotal information….things like middle names are very helpful if known…likewise dates relating to any matter, last known areas or addresses if known…family connection/s…..send all you have, it helps!

Now read: “CONTACT US “

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