The New Zealand Family Tracing Service


The purpose of this tracing service is to reunite the living, so clients may better understand their past and the history of their families. We seek to break the bonds of time and distance for the enrichment of the living, for the reunification of adopted children, family and friends.

We accept search requests from ANY PART OF THE GLOBE, however our search area is NEW ZEALAND, (unless our search effort takes us offshore in individual cases).

We search for the living including birth parents, adopted children, relatives or friends and research New Zealand records to achieve such reunification objectives.

Our registration deposit credit is NZ$100 or US$75 or 50 British Pounds or the equivalent other currency, which helps to cover the costs of search request transmissions and detailed preliminary research and report, which will be commenced immediately upon receipt of your registration credit.

Your registration deposit credit must be lodged with family search prior to any search being undertaken. Please e-mail your specific intentions.

Having completed a successful search. We advise the client of our cost and the nature of the information accumulated. Note: we will always attempt to gain your approval for specific costs prior to any such cost being incurred (if required).

When that cost is settled we will firstly e-mail the information obtained and then post any documents or material to the address provided as required.

Under no circumstances will we knowingly search for, seek or distribute, information in relation to any criminal or matrimonial dispute. Please do not attempt to use this service for such purposes. We are strictly a family tracing service as described in this Tracing Creed

We are totally non judgmental …..when information is located we firstly pass it on to our tracing client, (though note that in some cases we have some form of dialogue with traced individuals to successfully conclude a research effort) however wherever possible we pass on information primarily to our tracing client so that the pleasure of ‘first contact’ may be theirs! Whilst applying at all times a strict code of ethics and moral diligence, we do not apply any religious or social imperative to the dissemination of information between the tracing applicant and the traced. We will not knowingly however refer information to or from any party if in our opinion, such dissemination of information may be directly harmful, in which case no further charge will be made. However, a stated reluctance with respect to the dissemination of researched information from a traced person or family will not affect our decision to freely provide that information to our tracing client. We regard that as outside our mandate as a family tracing service.

It is an essential element of this tracing service, and a precondition of use, that information of any description be used in a legal and moral manner, firstly for the reunification and enrichment of the individual and their families or friends, and secondly to achieve a better understanding of individual family histories. We welcome contact and requests from such tracing clients and process requests in order of receipt. For obvious reasons result times may vary depending on the nature of the research effort requested.

Tracing Service hours are 9am to 5pm New Zealand time. Use the email address shown if our fax or phone lines are busy…..we will respond promptly.

Click here to register

NB: You will have to acknowledge and accept the stated creed and conditions of service above, and confirm that you are eighteen years of age or over.

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